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Our Best Stock AE Templates - Storyblocks

Most Downloaded After Effects Templates

We've pulled together our most downloaded and most purchased AE templates from this year. Take a look and start downloading.

After Effects CS4 Template: Spinner Logo Reveal

After Effects CS4 Template: Living Newspaper Presentation

After Effects CS5 Template: Minimal Slides

After Effects CS4 Template: Icy Streaks Logo Reveal

After Effects CS4 Template: Golden Abstract Titles

After Effects CS5 Template: Parallaxin

After Effects CS5 Template: Clean Slides

After Effects CS4 Template: Amazing Beasts Harry Potter Lookalike Titles

After Effects CS4 Template: Particle Spin Logo

After Effects CS4 Template: Fire Glyph Logo

After Effects CS4 Template: Slide Titles

Super Glitch Logo Title

Corporate Business Promo Template

YouTube Channel Tool Pack