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Curated Royalty-Free After Effects Transitions - Storyblocks

AE Transitions for YouTube

From simple swipe and spinning transitions to kaleidoscopic flashes, customize your next great YouTube video project with eye-popping After Effects transitions.

Minimal Panels Slideshow

Elegant Summer Slideshow

Elegant Slideshow 2

After Effects CS5 Template: Quick Slides

Traveler Spinning Transition Promo

Transition Pack

5 Parallax Transitions

Elegant Slideshow

AE Template: Logo Transition

Glow Slideshow

Zoom Transition Slideshow

Big Shapes Pack

Dream Blast Transition Slideshow Template

Multipurpose Colorful Slideshow

After Effects CS4 Template: Parralaxing

10 Colorful Shape Transition

Modern Transitions

10 Keynote 3D Transitions

After Effects CS5 Template: Transitional

AE Template: Express Present

Memories Slideshow

After Effects CS5 Template: Nature Slide FX

After Effects CS5 Template: Serious Love

Motion Template: Triangles Transitions

After Effects CS5 Template: Journey Intro

Motion Template: Stylish Slides Intro

Romantic Slideshow

After Effects CS4 Template: Video Services

Static Feedback Promo Showcase

After Effects CS5 Template: Swinging Titles

Bold Typography 10 Pack